UV-active Application In the Range „Displays”

The oldest use of our „glow know how“ lies in the various kinds of promotional aids. To begin with, they were luminous signs irradiated by black light. Later, table displays – consisting mainly of mounted sheets - were added to produce a light cumulative effect.

We strive to cater for our customers‘ tastes and transfer metropolitan trends from English or Italian discotheques and clubs to the German market. „Club“ in this context does not refer to the location as such but to our way of approaching young people in a dynamic fashion.

Italian apéritifs, Dutch chocolate bars, Danish wine gums, Mexican beer and Spanish brandy are just a few of the products which inspired materials our designers devised, the designers being collegues we have been cooperating with for many years.

That way we are not just able to sense a trend before it emerges, we are also in a position to create a sensitivity for the requirements of a certain product in the respective country.

An interesting case is presented by Metaxa, a traditional Greek spirit: The owner and person in charge of marketing decisions is English, and the display was developed in Germany for the Spanish market.

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Depro Products & Applications

UV-active Coca-Cola display

UV-active Coca-Cola display

UV-active display

UV-active display

UV-active Candy Bar

UV-active Candy Bar
Displays Showtechnic Decoration Luminous Advertising Promotion Events Therapeutic-Possibilities Control / Security Phenomenon of fluorescence Pyramids Video Examples