UV-active Application In the Range „Promotion”

These are objects that are displayed in clubs and similar locations, or are placed to create an atmosphere of „youthful spirit to promote sales. The following items have either been parts of successful campaigns or the are test items that are still in their test phase as far as their effect on the customer is concerned.

We have developed and sell „luminous“ key rings, ice scrapers, „knot“-effect ballpoints, bottle holders, clipboards, bottle openers, cocktail stirrers and much more.

We keep an extensive archive documenting who used what in which country to which effect. From that, we derive our recommendations. For Mc Donald’s we created glow-in-the-dark stickers according to the American NABISCO standard which make a statement about the interaction between consumer, food and packaging.

For Camel we devised cigarette machine signs that also glow in the dark (in the very shade of our customer’s corporate identity. Another typical example is our „Baileys Connection Stirrer“. Here, Baileys gold and Smirnoff red are linked in a marble effect.

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Depro Products & Applications

UV-active promotion objects

UV-active promotion objects

UV-active cocktail stirrers

UV-active cocktail stirrers

UV-active sign

UV-active sign
Displays Showtechnic Decoration Luminous Advertising Promotion Events Therapeutic-Possibilities Control / Security Phenomenon of fluorescence Pyramids Video Examples